Total price:

"ULTRAS" T-shirt

12.33 EUR
13.56 USD
1,450.00 RSD

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Product name: "ULTRAS" T-shirt

The oldest t-shirt in our shop, but still the most popular one, with ULTRAS amblem on the front, and ULTRAS RED STAR BELGRADE written on the back

Average rating (10) 10

15-May-2019 17:11:36
Mark 10
majica je super danas je stigla taman za nedelju za proslavu titule 30
04-Oct-2015 22:44:53
Mark 10
majica je extra!!!
08-May-2013 12:57:10
Mark 10
Majica je extra, samo bih napomenuo administratorima da promene ovu sliku, majica mnogo bolje izgleda...
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